This will show up a prompt which looks like this and fails gracefully when you are not on a git repo.
vagmi@deepthought:~/work/testproj[master]$ git checkout new_feature
Switched to branch "new_feature"
vagmi@deepthought:~/work/testproj[new_feature]$ cd ..
This saves a lot of "git branch" when you are coding.
the stuff in your pre tag didn't come in the google reader.. and i banged my head for couple of seconds.. wonder if the github thing is worth it
May be I should just post the code snippet directly on the blog instead of putting it as a gist. But the gist formatting is so pretty. :-)
Well it works absolutely fine!
Ah, nice idea, thanks.
I added it to my "setup my coding environment" script, using this line:
export PS1=`echo "$PS1"|sed -r s/\(.*\\w\)\(.*\)/\\\\1\$\(bash_git_branch\)\\\\2/`
Nice idea, but invoking python on each prompt is a bit overkill, here's a lighter implementation:
git branch 2>/dev/null | sed -ne 's/^\* \(.*\)//p'
How about awk?
function bash_git_branch
git branch 2> /dev/null | grep \* | awk '{print $2}'
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