Friday, February 12, 2010

Statistics is important

This is important.

The population of india
- 1.148 Billion
The population growth rate - 1.58%
Number of people that will be added this year - 1.8 Million
Population of chennai - 4.34 Mio

So we will add almost half of chennai in the next year. In this rate, the number of years it will take for us to double our population is approximately 45 years. Think about it. Do you really want to have children? We do not have enough resources to feed the entire country at this point.


Anonymous said...

I really believe, if the God who is the createer of everything gives children, he will not forgot to feed them. We are no super thinker than God. We are not a one giving life or creating a human. So the God who creates Universe knows the needs of the population. But the humans are the one stoping the facility from God. So that we find lot of poors and also the extreme rich persons. We are corrupted and selfish. So Instead of family planing we need to plan not to be self centered.

Unknown said...

Dear Anonymous Coward,

God does not create children. Children are born out of human copulation. Reproduction is one of the most essential needs of our life. In fact that is what the nature cares about - gene duplication. It is a natural thing to do. Many animals have offsprings as well. But the problem is that animals have natural enemies. They get hunted and killed for food and they hunt and kill other animals for food. But humans have "evolved" out of that. We have taken the matter of death in our hands by advancing medical care and providing a better quality of life. It is time that we take the matter of birth into our hands as well. Overpopulation is not a problem on the cosmic scale. It is a problem on the scale of human comforts (which is a much smaller scale). We will continue to live even if we are over populated but the deaths related to illnesses and natural catastrophes would increase.

We created this problem and we are the ones who have to handle it. God is not bothered about problems on this scale. In fact stop holding god responsible for the shit that goes on in your life. When is the last time that god stopped any of the natural disasters or wars and stopped millions of people from dying. And do not say that they were sinners or any of that rubbish. It was simply the irresponsible planning by the powers whom we elected to the office.

And by the way, you might like this song.

shanthi sa said...

Dear Anonymous,

First off, your comment itself starts with a big IF. "If God gives children, then He will feed them" is your silly argument. It just takes a second to disprove it. Look around the slum areas and poor nations where thousands of people die of hunger. That itself negates your statement. If you are not the one giving life or creating a human wear a condom the next time and lets see if God is still creating children. Do you think God does not have any other work than to keep a catalog of needs of the population. If God is the creator as per your belief, then anyways he has created an ecosystem for life and death. So if you are a true believer of that, if you fall ill do not go to a pharmacist or a doctor. If the whole population is this way then you can procreate senselessly and then the nature will take care of the population. However, you and thousands of other idiots are living against the nature but when you want to release your sperm you would blame it on God. Now isn't it clear who is corrupt and selfish? YOU! The irony is that you are talking about being self centered. If you are so selfless, then why procreate?