Thursday, May 08, 2008

Life, Travel and Marriage

I was reading this blog about things to do when you are laid off. Although there is is no imminent threat to my job, this is a reality that everybody in the IT industry faces at least once in their career. Even otherwise, taking some time off to travel isn't a bad idea. I was reading this article through the section on the lame reasons why one might not want to travel and I found this.

But I'm married with a family and a house...

Ok, you win. You're screwed, but that's the life you chose for yourself so you're going to have to live it. ...

Ouch!! Thats a pretty hard statement but I digress. I don't mind traveling on a once in a life time trip with my wife even if both of us have to resign to take the time off for six months. I am confident that the IT industry would not change so drastically as to render me unemployable. So when are you guys planning your vacation?

1 comment:

The God Of Tall Things said...

I have ideas of trekking through South America (something like My ideal honeymoon would be to backpack across Europe for a month or two. But that's a long way off: first I need to complete my PhD, earn enough money and become a lot fitter. Oh, yeah ... and get a wife.