Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Using WIX Toolset for Distributed Development

When I talk to my fellow developers and other installation developers about the WIX Toolset, they do not fully understand the implications of the WIX Toolset in its own right but map its features to their favorite installation development tools. The WIX Toolset mostly ensures that you follow the best practices while authoring packages. The biggest advantage of the WIX Toolset over other applications is the support for distributed development. I have raved and ranted about this in my previous blog entries but I would substantiate it with actual WXS code this time. For starters, WXS file is an XML file that has to follow the schema as specified in the wix.xsd file in the 'doc' folder of your distribution. Rob has an excellent demo on distributed development with the WIX toolset. But the quality of video is very poor and the sample files are not yet available for us to tweak around with. So I have come up with my own example.

Let us assume the following scenario. There are group of installation and application developers in the organization working on a setup project. Let us allocate roles (purely hypothetical. I am not a manager <grin/>) for our convenience. Let us assume that the application developers take care of maintaining a catalog of components and resources that go into the product. The second developer takes care of assigning the appropriate components into the respective merge modules or features in a product. Let another developer be responsible for creating UIs. Additionally, each application developer creates his own fragments of files by hand or by using a simple tool. Let us assume that we have to package three files.

  1. Notepad.exe

  2. ReadMe.txt

  3. Calc.exe

Notepad.exe and Readme.txt are a logical unit and hence we would put them in a single component called Notepad.exe and set Notepad.exe as the key file of the component. We would also have Readme.txt as a companion file for Notepad.exe such that the versioning logic of Readme.txt is controlled by the versioning logic of Notepad.exe. Calc.exe is a standalone application that does not have anyother files. So here we go. The application developer codes his file named Dev1.wxs. Pretty simple isn't it?

<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi">
    <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
      <Component Id="Notepad.exe" Guid="12CC008F-89A6-422d-868B-B066606FFD99" DiskId="1">
        <File Id="Notepad.exe" Name="Notepad.exe" LongName="Notepad.exe" KeyPath="yes" src="$(env.BUILDPATH)\Notepad.exe">
            <Shortcut Id="LaunchNotepad" Advertise="no" Description="Launches Notepad" Directory="DesktopFolder" Name="Notepad" LongName="Launch Notepad" WorkingDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Icon="Notepad.ico"/>
        <File Id="Readme.txt" Name="Readme.txt" LongName="Readme.txt" CompanionFile="Notepad.exe" src="$(env.BUILDPATH)\Readme.txt"/>
    <Icon Id="Notepad.ico" src="$(env.BUILDPATH)\Notepad.ico"/>

Now the second application developer creates his file dev2.wxs.


Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi">
    <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLDIR">
      <Component Id="Calc.exe" Guid="2C5ECB67-E585-4301-BAF4-5380FE6C26AB" DiskId="1">
        <File Id="Calc.exe" Name="Calc.exe" LongName="Calc.exe" KeyPath="yes" src="$(env.BUILDPATH)\Calc.exe"/>

By now, the UI guy would have created a new WXS file for UI or stole the UI from a premade package. I normally steal UI from premade(I just coined this word) packages like Orca or some UI generated by freeware installers. Writing UI code for MSI using the WIX toolset is not exactly a pleasurable experience. <sigh/> So here goes the UI file. I am not going to include the WXS file here but if you need it, you can send me an email at vagmi.mudumbai@gmail.com. Now we have a file called dialogs.wxs which just has a bunch of dialogs, binaries, error texts, UITexts and properties defined for the UI.

Now we have to piece together each of these files and link them to our product. This is the MyProduct.wxs file which contains the feature-component mapping and the rest of the installation logic.

Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi">
  <Product Id="148E08FF-D7C4-46ed-8D4D-601C67FE0AFD" Language="1033" Name="MyProduct" Version="1.0.0" UpgradeCode="B7FE793A-800D-4c14-8CB4-B00AA84FF685" Manufacturer="Vagmi">
    <Package Id="D1192FCD-BA01-4d8f-BA7B-663CE9934BDE" Compressed="yes" Description="My WIX Installation" InstallerVersion="200" Languages="1033" Manufacturer="Vagmi"/>
    <Media Cabinet="Data.cab" EmbedCab="yes" Id="1"/>
    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name="PFiles">
            <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="Vagmi"/>
        <Directory Id="DesktopFolder" Name="DTFOLDER"/>
            <Show Dialog="SetupCompleteError" OnExit="error" />
            <Show Dialog="SetupInterrupted" OnExit="cancel" />
            <Show Dialog="SetupCompleteSuccess" OnExit="success" />
            <Show Dialog="SetupInitialization" After="LaunchConditions" />
            <ResolveSource Before="CostFinalize"><![CDATA[Not Installed And Not PATCH]]></ResolveSource>
            <Show Dialog="InstallWelcome" After="MigrateFeatureStates"><![CDATA[Not Installed And (Not PATCH Or IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE)]]></Show>
            <Show Dialog="SetupResume" After="InstallWelcome"><![CDATA[Installed And (RESUME Or Preselected) And Not PATCH]]></Show>
            <Show Dialog="MaintenanceWelcome" After="SetupResume"><![CDATA[Installed And Not RESUME And Not Preselected And Not PATCH]]></Show>
            <Show Dialog="SetupProgress" After="MaintenanceWelcome" />
    <Feature Id="TheOnlyFeature" ConfigurableDirectory="INSTALLDIR" Level="1" Title="TheOnlyFeature" Description="TheOnlyFeature">
        <ComponentRef Id="Notepad.exe"/>
        <ComponentRef Id="Calc.exe"/>

As you can clearly see, the complex job of creating an installer package is split among the developers. This is a great feature as it does away with Merge Modules and all the associated hassles with modularization. Further changes or corrections can be made independently without affecting other parts of the installation. The only part that needs automation is the generation of WXS fragments for the developers. Although it is a simple piece of code to write, we cannot expect all developers to be conversant with XML and learn the WIX toolset. All we need is for them to specify the files and the destinations in a tool and a tool that should generate minimal WXS code for these fragments. I do not think that should be a problem considering the level of automation installation and build teams adopt for other tasks.

Building these is a straight forward task.

  • Compile the files using the following command.
    candle dev1.wxs dev2.wxs dialogs.wxs myproduct.wxs

    This would produce dev1.wixobj, dev2.wixobj, dialogs.wixobj and myproduct.wixobj

  • You can then link the generated object files using light.
    light -out build/product.msi dev1.wixobj dev2.wixobj dialogs.wixobj myproduct.wixobj

The myproduct.msi file would be generated in a folder named 'build' under the current directory.


Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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