Friday, October 29, 2004

WIX features

After my recent cribbing about my wish-list for WIX, it is only fair that I talk about the advantages of WIX over other tools like InstallShield. I am primarily comparing it with InstallShield, as it is the only tool that I am aware of to an extent and is also the current market leader (in my opinion) in the installation tools market place.

1) XML Format: WIX source files are in a programmer friendly format. You are allowed to comment the code at any place, that makes the installation project source files as readable as the application's source files. Tools like InstallShield X allow you to save your file in the XML format but editing the XML and adding comments to it is not really easy. Furthermore, the changes in the source code across versions can be easily tracked by diffing from the source control, which would be very inconvenient with binary files.

2) Distributed Development: Each setup developer or even the application developer can edit a small fragment of the project to produce multiple WXS files which can be compiled independently and linked in the final process to produce MSI/MSM files. To my knowledge, this feature is currently available only with WIX. Of course, you could use other tools to create Merge Modules, but they would only add to the confusion with the modularization of the columns than to aid the process of distributed development. You can use WIX to maintain the readability of code. You could include comments within the code to actually point to the WXS file from which the element is referenced.

3) Clean Installation: You do not have to go through a whole big deal of the installation process just to get the package authoring system available on the build and the design environments. The WIX package decompressed is only 3.56 MB including the documentation and comes completely with custom actions to work with IIS, SQL Server, hypercharged LockPermissions functionality and much more. There are no DLLs to be registered, no registry entries to be created. Just unzip it into a machine with .NET Framework 1.1 installed and WIX would run without any problems. You would need Platform SDK on the machine to work with merge modules. Or at least the mergemod.dll registered on the build machine.

4) Custom Action Library: WIX comes with a custom action library to install/configure IIS websites and virtual directories. It is also present in InstallShield. WIX has support for SQL Server 2000 which is also present in InstallShield X. So I guess that levels the playing field. What WIX currently does not have is the support for installing COM+ Applications. But people following the Wix-Users list would know that these are already been worked upon and there have been a couple of users who have implemented the code and are currently contributing it back to the community.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

What does WIX need?

After a long time, I have got some time to get to my blog. After a long day of presentations, I guess it is only fair enough that I relax by concentrating sometime on my long forgotten blog. We in our organization primarily use InstallShield for most of our setup development needs. I and one of my colleagues were discussing the topic of distributed development. InstallShield is good in a lot of things but distributed development is not one of them.

As a common sense approach, distributed development is done using merge modules. Although these may be discrete chunk of non reusable installation units, merge modules are the only way to enable Distributed development with InstallShield. I then truly realized the power of WIX which inherently supports distributed development. I then mentally started preparing a list of features that WIX ought to have to replace tools like InstallShield.

1) GUI - I guess WIXStudio need to be pushed a little harder. I personally do not believe that a development tool such as WIX really needs a GUI. But if the world were to run only on my beliefs, it would be a far better place than it is right now . WIX language is pretty straight forward and the tool nudges the developers on to the right track. Where the tool fails to point to the right direction, wix-users list does the job.

2) Bells and Whistles - Tallow is a cool tool but is unfortunately very buggy. As Rob suggested it is a fertile field for development and is constantly improving. I have seen some pretty encouraging messages in the Users list. I still have not become a part of the dev-list as yet, as I really cannot contribute at this point in time. I would however like to do so as soon as I have access to my computer at home.

3) Dialogs - It would be great to have a dialog editor. If not a full blown IDE for WIX, the least setup developers expect would be to have a dialog editor. Rob would argue that setup need not have a user interface, but in reality, dialogs are required for a enterprise setup of a decent quality. I have posted a message on WIX-Users-list for a list of free/open source MSI editors with visual Dialog editors. We could then dark the setup and create a WXS fragment.

4) Documentation – Last but not the least, WIX really needs a lot more documentation. I have been really busy off-late and have not been able to contribute as much to WIX as before. I hope the WIX Wiki would grow to fill this need.

IMHO, WIX is still the best tool to create installations for large projects.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Good Bye!

Imagine a blog entry where I talk about my last day in my organization. Incidentally Rob is moving to the Longhorn Windows Setup team.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Riko's Blog Entry on "Resources and Data"

Imagine a blog entry where Riko speaks on the Resources, User Data and Application Data. As noted in his blog, he is yet to make his point. It is an excellent blog entry. Also read Rob's entry on what setup is. There are a couple of links to the same entry in Riko's article too.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Handling Application Data

Recently, I had initiated a thread in the WIX users list regarding the inclusion of application data in the MSI package. My thanks to Riko, who shared his views on that. It has always been tricky and will continue to be a tricky situation to deal with application data. Most applications include their application runtime and configuration data as registry entries, INI or XML files. An unassuming developer might package these registry entries with the Main application's component, as they are dependent on the main application. This would work fine during the first install, but would cause significant issues during an upgrade. Geoff has blogged one such scenario. This blog tries to capture some of my thoughts regarding such Application Data.

For starters, lets look at what happens when you include the application data in the MSI package. The user, to configure the software the way they want, usually modifies these entries. Many times, it is the application itself that changes or writes data to the registry, INI or XML files to persist the configuration state of the application. Assuming we have included such files and registry entries grouped in the same component as the main executable. We can argue that it would be a good design as these entries are logically bound to the application and have no sense existing as a standalone unit. The application would roll out pretty smooth and will have no problems until you hit a point when you have to upgrade. Let us consider a minor upgrade, no major changes, a few DLLs modified and couple of executables added. Let main executable file have its version bumped. As the executable is the key file of the component, it qualifies for an upgrade. Let us also consider changes made to the XML files and a few Registry entries to accommodate the change. During an upgrade, all hell would break loose. The registry would be overwritten and the registry might be left with conflicting entries and some XML files would updated, the others may be left untouched as it would have a greater modified date. If you are really unlucky, the testing team might not quite get the tests done right. The Result: Total Chaos.

So how should these things be handled? The answer to this question is not straightforward and seems to be pretty tricky. The most ideal scenario would be to let the application handle its own configuration. The application should be able to create these registry entries and XML files during the first run. The setup developer then has to merely author the RemoveFile and RemoveReigstry tables to get the files out during uninstallation. As far as XML handling is concerned, it is best left to the application to handle it. MSI does not support XML handling and we need robust custom actions to do it for us. Handling XML data/SQL Data during upgrades can only be done using custom code. It would be desirable if this code is present on the application's end and not on the installer's end. If you do have to include the application data in the MSI package, the following guidelines may be useful.

1) Identify and Isolate the Application Data:
Clearly identify the resources like registry entries, INI Files and other configuration files that are to be used by the application. Use the INIFile table to author INI Files. Avoid including the INI file itself in the File table. Once identified, include the application data in a separate component. Use multiple components, if necessary.

2) Minor Upgrade and Uninstall Scenario:
If the application creates extra files or registry entries, ensure that the RemoveFile and the RemoveRegistry tables are populated. The problem is that these tables are referred to even during installation of the component. So you would have to set the Never Overwrite bit of the component to make sure that this component is never marked for an upgrade. Code the upgrade logic for the application data in to the application itself. In the unlikely event of it not being feasible, write custom actions to achieve the same. Avoid writing custom actions for tasks that can be handled by the application.

3) Major Upgrade Scenario:
Certain applications like InstallShield X, schedule the RemoveExistingProducts action right before the InstallInitialize action. This is not the most efficient placement for this action. The most efficient placement for this action would be after the InstallFinalize action. I will talk about this in detail another time, if you haven't figured it out as yet. If the authoring tool places the RemoveExistingProducts action before InstallInitialize, manually schedule it after InstallFinalize. There are certain custom actions in InstallShield X (I guess Component Services) that are not very happy with this placement, although I am not very sure about this. In these cases, you would have to use related locator (AppSearch, RegLocator, IniLocator, etc.,) and signature tables to get save the information into properties and reuse them in the install. This is a very elaborate and time-consuming exercise. The shorter and a devilish way to get around this is to write custom actions to read the values in the registry and store them in a text file, back up your application data files and restore them back with another set of custom actions. As unscientific as it might sound, a lot of people have used it to get out of this mess.

Rob is currently working on a similar blog entry. I can't wait to read on what he has to say about this.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Designing Upgrades - Part I

The previous week had been really busy. With five new recruits on board, I was asked to give them a quick introduction to InstallShield X and Windows Installer. It was broken up into 5 sessions, 3 hours each. And of course, I had my routine to take care of. So, after all this hard work, I decided to pamper myself with a movie the weekend. Before that I have decided to write something about designing upgrades with Windows Installer and WIX. I have split this article into two for easy consumption.

Designing upgrades are fairly basic and I have seen a lot of people in the forum having a little trouble getting started with the upgrades. But once they understand the concept of upgrades from the Windows Installer's perspective, it becomes a cakewalk. So, for starters, let me just talk about the different types of upgrades that you can perform with Windows Installer and implement the same using WIX. This article is designed only to be a quick start guide and is no means a complete guide for an upgrade. If you want to know more about upgrades, read the Upgrades and Patching section of the Windows Installer SDK documentation.

Windows Installer keeps track of products and packages using GUIDs. There are three important GUIDs that you need to know to understand upgrades.

  • ProductCode - This uniquely identifies a product. This value is written to the Property table under the name ProductCode.

  • UpgradeCode - This GUID is used to logically bind related products. This value is written to the Property table under the name UpgradeCode.

  • Package Code - This uniquely identifies a package. Almost any change in the MSI package, mandates a new Package GUID. This value is written to the summary information sream under the name of 'Revision Number'.

And then there is the ProductVersion property, which specifies the version of the product. Windows Installer recognizes three types of upgrades. In all these upgrades, the package code will always change.

  • When the upgrade just changes the application files but does not change the Product Code or the Product version, it is termed as a small update.

  • When the upgrade changes only the ProductVersion but does not change the ProductCode, it is termed as a minor upgrade.

  • When both the ProductCode and ProductVersion changes, it is termed as a Major Upgrade.

The small update and the minor upgrade can be installed over the existing installation. Usually, they only make changes to the parts of applications that have been changed. There are usually no major design changes to the product tree, excepting a few additions and modifications.

The major upgrade however, installs a completely new product and uninstalls the existing version of the product(s). Minor upgrade and small update can be targetted only at a particular product but Major upgrades can target more than one product. Major upgrade usually would have major changes made to the product tree. There might be situations that you might have to change the product code. In those cases, you would have no other choice but to perform a major upgrade.

So, as long as you do not have to change the product code, you can perform a small update or a minor upgrade. Minor upgrade would allow you to track the upgrade applied by looking at the ProductVersion. You can apply a minor upgrade or small update using the following command line.


The value of the REINSTALL property is a list of features delimited by commas that are to be reinstalled. The features listed must be present in the Feature column of the Feature table. The REINSTALLMODE property is a string containing letters specifying the type of reinstall to perform. Options are case-insensitive and order-independent. This property should normally always be used in conjunction with the REINSTALL property. However, this property can also be used during installation, not just reinstall.

To design a major upgrade, you would have to author the Upgrade table. The upgrade table allows you to filter products and subsequently features based on the UpgradeCode, ProductVersion and Language. The Remove column of the upgrade table can be used to specify the list of features to be removed. Windows Installer will remove all the features, if the column is null. The ActionProperty column can be used to specify the name of a property. For the major upgrade to work, you need to have FindRelatedProductsAction and RemoveExistingProducts action in the InstallExecuteSequence table. The FindRelatedProducts action reads the settings in the upgrade table and stores the matching ProductCode(s) in the property specified by the ActionProperty column of the Upgrade Table. The RemoveExistingProducts action removes the product during installation. The most efficient placement for the RemoveExistingProducts action is after the InstallFinalize action. However, tools like InstallShield X, sequence this action in between InstallValidate and InstallInitialize actions.

To be continued...